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Rar Risalah Al Qusyairiyah [mobi] Download Book


Risalah al Qusyairiyah is an Arabic term that means "Divine Message". Umar-bin-Al-Khattab (the second caliph) gave Imam Ali (alayhis salam) permission to write all the religious rulings of Islam in one book. He asked him not to use any previous books as a source, but only the Quran and his own knowledge. The book was written down on parchment, and its contents were divided into 40 parts. Each part comprises four pages, with two words/sentences on each page. Each page contains a ruling on a specific matter. Risalah al Qusyairiyah contains all the rulings of Islam in general, and rulings of the Shari'ah which apply to all Muslims in particular. Risalah al Qusyairiyah is a book of Islam that has been compiled from the Qur'an and hadiths that were collected from reliable collections. The book is divided into two parts:  the first part discusses general Islamic rulings, while the second part discusses rulings that are only applicable to Ahl al Bayt (as). The author of this book is imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). According to some scholars, Sheikh Mufid was also involved in writing down this book. The book is divided into 40 parts, and each part comprises four pages. The first part of the book is divided into 4 chapters: Chapter 1: The cover of the book that contains general Islamic rulings.  The first page of this chapter contains:   The first two pages give a brief overview on the importance of the message that has been revealed by Allah to His messenger Muhammad (saw), and its importance in all aspects of life. The third page confirms what was mentioned on the previous two pages. On the fourth page, there are 10 statements that are taken from Qur'an, hadiths, tafsir by Sunni scholars, and other reliable sources. These statements include:  (1) Life is a gift from Allah, therefore we should use it up as soon as possible.  (2) The best days in this world are the days in which you are secure, without any worries.  (3) The best time to worship Allah is in the last days of your life when you are free from any worries or trouble.  (4) It is not proper to live in excess in your lifetime, and the quantity of wealth that you possess should be within limits. Chapter 2: Seeing dreams and seeing Allah's Messenger (saw). Chapter 3: The book of prayer. Chapter 4: Every Muslim is required to perform Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), and it is a religious duty, and the moment in which a Muslim performs Hajj is the most blessed moment in his life.  The third page of this chapter contains: Chapter 2: The book of fasting. This chapter includes rulings on fasting, which are as follows:Chapter 3: The book of hajj (pilgrimage). This chapter includes rulings on hajj that are as follows:Chapter 4: The book of zakat (alms giving). cfa1e77820


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